Change log
Version 1.41
[!] Program works on Symbian 9.1
[!] Program not crashes after run Torch
[!] Navigation in fileman menu fixed
[!] Sometimes language settings resets after installation
[!] Work with Magic key maybe fixed, or not
[*] Fileman moved from tools-menu to main menu
[+] Added new language - Farsi
App is unsigned. You need to sign it before installation
Version 1.40
[!] Application working on OS Symbian ^3 (Nokia N8, C7, and other)
[+] Integrated two-panel file manager
[+] Adding filesystem folders into quick launch
[+] Setting for screen light dependent current profile
[*] Light settings for programs moved to program's rules
[+] Selecting app-language in settings
[*] Format of locales changed. Now locales stores in folder Data\JbakTaskMan in text-files
Version 1.37, compared with 1.36:
[add] Tactile feedback for touch devices.
[add] If seleted task has rules or light control - you can see this on info-panel.
[add] Light control accessible from task list
[add] Torch can use camera light on some devices
[fix] Bug Nokia N97 - with some settings by short menu-key pressing application stands in foreground with standard task-list
[fix] Rule "Kill after send to back" fixed
[fix] When app go to foreground - first item in quick launch don't make focused
[mod] Increase speed of icon loading
[mod] More items can be in all lists on screens 240х320 with table view
[mod] On touch devices items focused by touch down, not touch up
In version 1.33 added scrolling of long names. Everywhere, except setings
Started from 1.30:
- Touch devices support - kinetic scroll, buttons in main window
- Table view of lists and popup menus.
- Light control for applications
- Programm can make several windows of integrated browser with separate settings. Its avaliable with adding Url to quick launch
Thanks to Andrey Voyevoda aka Jasf for kinetic scroll and help with touch screen interfaces!
Version 1.0. Now its last application for Symbian 6-7-8
This application was signed, and can be installed on any device with Symbian 9.x.
Latest version and other
Version 1.0
This release was signed by Symbian Signed, and will instals on all phones with Symbian 9.x
Big thanks to company Smape, and to Boris Nikiforov aka Abikos for program signing.
Test versions
Version with letters 'R' and 'RC' - is a test, unsigned versions. If you don't know, how to install unsigned apps - then you need to install version 1.0
Version 1.0, R5
! Uninstalling of Java from disk E not works
! Skins from disk E not show in skin-list
! Fix for killing of system processes, increase speed of kill proc
! 9.1 - with setting "filter in English" - some programms may work with errors
! Crash, when user run "memory clean" twice
Version 1.0 R11
To users of the previous versions: Before program installation delete the previous version through the manager of applications!
All old options thus will remain, if you install the program on the same disk where it has been installed. If the previous version has been installed on disk C:, and you put on disk E: - for return of old options it is necessary to leave from programs ("Menu-exit") and to move file !:\System\Data\JbakTaskMan.ini
Upgrade for all OS (9.1-9.4)
The common changes:
+ Add folder in Quick Launch
! On some qwerty-smartphones of digit in a quick start and digital navigation under the menu demanded deduction Chr
! At unit addition in a quick start with customisation «the Compact menu» - the added unit was less than the others
! Some glitches with focusing in the main window
* Booster run program
Touch changes (9.4) (The test proceeds):
! Pressing of the LeftSoft did not work
! Small scrollbar (now it is wider)
===== With best regards, Juriy Bakunin aka JBAK